Jamaican Food

When one hears of Jamaica, the most common reply or thing that comes into mind is Reggae or most probably, the fine white sand beaches. But one can find it surprising that Jamaica possesses an array of food delicacies somewhat overshadowed by Reggae and the beach resorts.

To provide further understanding about Jamaican food, one needs to understand its history. As the Spaniards arrived in the country during 1509, the history of Jamaican food started. The Spanish colonizers along with their slaves came to Jamaica and brought their dishes with them that seemed to be unique.

Also the Spanish Jews also came to the island also brought their culinary masterpieces including the unique dish called the “Escoveitch Fish”. The mixture of national flavors and dining and cooking preferences along with the fresh resources of the island created the Jamaican trademark of food. Some of the Jamaican delicacies are the following: Ackee, Annatto, Callaloo and Escabeche.

One would really find it surprising that the beauty of the whole place compliments the food served. The unique island tastes of Jamaica’s delicacies will definitely surprise every tourist or traveler who only came to Jamaica just for other reasons. The richness of Jamaican food and the wide array of choices somehow distinguish Jamaica from other Caribbean countries.

The food of Jamaica definitely incorporates well with the whole essence of the place and creating a remarkable atmosphere that can be concluded as paradise. Jamaica, not only a place of Reggae music, white sand beaches, but also of food that can be simply labeled as, “only on this island”.

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