Food preservation’s is the process of protecting our food from harmful micro organisms that causes spoilage and botulism. We can get various illnesses from micro organisms like bacteria, enzymes, fungi, yeasts and molds that are present in our foods. Food preservation’s are done even before that’s why it is said to be the oldest technique in preserving food. Food is very essential to us, that’s why we make it to the point, we produce quality healthy foods every time. In order to produce quality foods we preserve them to maintain its texture, flavour and nutrients. This is the main aim of food preservation’s.
In food preservation’s, there are different methods that we can choose from like salting, drying, freezing, pickling, curing, smoking, fermenting, jellying, canning and chemical preservation. In the method of chemical preservation, safe preservatives are added like sulphites, nitrates, nitrites, acid and benzoates are said to be harmless if added in small amounts. Canning and drying are said to be the economical and life extending method in preserving for foods that undergo these methods can last for a year or several years. Most used materials and equipments in these methods are mostly used in our kitchen. That’s why most people use these methods in preservation’s because of these.
Food preservation’s are not that difficult as what others believe. Following proper preparations, tips and guidelines is said to be one factor in preserving quality foods. Implementing strictly precautions in food preservation’s must be observed for assurance of safety of food and ours too. Using the required materials and ingredients must also be followed. Always keep in mind these simple details for it will surely help you in preserving food. All of these are useful tools in preservation’s. In order to succeed in preserving foods we must know also factors like climate, space, cost, ingredients and equipments for they play a big role in preserving foods.
Food preservation’s will never be out of our lives for it has been a part of our lives ever since. We badly need these methods in preservation’s, for food crisis is fast growing nowadays. We should help provide food supply in poor countries by making preserved foods. That is why more and more people are trying to discover different ways on how to preserve food for the future. We don’t know what will happen next, so let us be prepared.