Product labels can make or break your product. After all, more than 70% of consumers say that their buying decisions are influenced by a product’s appearance.

How can you be sure that your product is perceived well? And what even makes good product packaging? Is that even feasible on a budget?

In this article, you will find the answers you are looking for. We will talk you through all things custom product labels and sticker sheet printing to help you elevate the look of your product and boost those sales. So, let us jump right in!

1. What is the product’s purpose?

This is the very first question to ask yourself. Is your label meant to inform the customer about the product? To entertain them? To persuade them to buy the product?

Once you know this, you can select a label that will best suit your needs. An informative label should have a simple background and be easy to read, whereas a persuasive design can be printed on something more eye-catching, like a holographic vinyl sticker.

2. Who is your target audience?

Your target audience will largely overlap with your brand’s values and beliefs. Use your custom product labels to communicate them to your customers.

Maybe you only use local and sustainable ingredients? Or your packaging is 100% compostable? Then you should choose a label that fits those beliefs, like a biodegradable paper label or a clear bio-plastic material.

3. What style should the label reflect?

Do not think of your custom labels in isolation. Instead, they should become part of your overall branding and reflect the style of your business or product.

You can be a little more inventive depending on what you want to use your labels for. We love using a slightly different color or even a die cut sticker to promote a limited edition range or launch a new product line.

4. How much text will be included on the label?

While this question might sound boring, it is one of the most essential ones to ask. When you are branding a product with labels, you are probably working with a set space.

At the same time, there is a lot of information you want to or even legally have to include. Make sure not to overstuff your labels, as this not only looks terrible but might not print very well.

To print legibly, every single letter has to be at least 1.2 mm high – at scale. Depending on the font you are using, 8pt should be just fine.

And now you are ready to find your perfect custom label and elevate your own products. Do you have any more questions? Or do you want to share your design ideas? Then leave us a comment in the section below.